Wharts & All - Instructions


Wharts & All is a turn based game between 2 to 6 players in which each player is dealt cards and then has to match the most recently played card by either number or suit. If unable to play a card, the player must draw one from the deck aka "Go to the market".
The aim of Wharts & All is to play all your cards before your opponents can. The highest card is called a WHART (20). It is a wildcard that can be played at any time, and allows you to request "whart" suit must to be played on it. Only the requested suit, or another WHART card can be played on a WHART. At the end of the game, you don't want to have WHARTS on your hands, their high value (20) will count against you.
Some cards have special features such as:
(1: HOLD-ON) Force the next player to lose their turn.
(2: PICK-2) Force the next player to draw two cards from the deck - "Shopping Spree!"
(7: REVERSE) Reverse the order of play.
(14: MARKET) Force the other players to draw a card from the deck - "Go to the market!"
(20: WHART) Request a specific suit to be played by clicking directly on the suit symbol listed down the right hand side of the WHART card.
Play continues in turn until one player is able to play their final card. At that point, the number value of each player's cards is tallied up. (Wharts!). A running tally kept over an agreed upon number of games (5 for example) will crown the player with the lowest cummulative number value after 5 games as the winner. Remaining players come in 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. in ascending order of number value, with the "Wharty-est" player coming in last place. No matter, we accept them Wharts & All.
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At the Login screen, type in your existing USERNAME or email address, and your PASSWORD, then hit the LOGIN button.
If you don't have a USERNAME yet, hit the CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT button, and follow the directions to obtain login credentials.


Once you log in, you find yourself in the MUSTER screen. If you are in the middle of a game, you will see your game listed in the upper left as PLAYING (4 of 4) for example. This means your game is in progress and you can click on the ENTER GAME button to resume your game.
If you are not in the middle of a game, you can start a new game by clicking on the HUMAN GAME, or COMPUTER buttons in the upper left. Clicking either will give you the option of choosing how many players you would like to include. This number includes you, so the acceptable range is from 2-6.
If you type in 4, then your game will have 4 players total. You + 3 other players.
If you choose a COMPUTER game, your game will begin immediately with AI players.
If you choose HUMAN GAME, you will have to wait for others to join your game before it can begin.
ERRORS: If any of the information you enter is out of range, you will be prompted to try again.


When you launch or join a new game with human opponents, you may have to wait for enough human opponents to join your game.
Your game is listed in the upper left as ASSEMBLING (1 of 4) for example. This means you are waiting for the full complement of 4 players to join before the game can begin. Click on the game to receive options to REFRESH, or ABANDON the game. Clicking the REFRESH button updates the information in case players joined or left, clicking the ABANDON button causes you to leave the game so that you are free to join a different game, or start a COMPUTER game.
You may only join one game at a time.
While you wait, if you have played any games in the past, they are listed under PAST GAMES in the upper right. Click on any past game, then click REVIEW to see details of that past game.


Once you log in, if you are not in the middle of a game, and if there are available games to join, you will see them listed in the upper middle as ASSEMBLING (2 of 4) for example. This means you are waiting for the full complement of 4 players to join before the game can begin. Click on the game you wish to JOIN, then click the JOIN button.
If you are the last player to complete the complement, you will be taken immediately to the game play screen. Otherwise, your game is listed in the upper left as ASSEMBLING (3 of 4) for example. This means you are waiting for the full complement of 4 players to join before the game can begin. Click on the game to receive options to REFRESH, or ABANDON the game. Clicking the REFRESH button updates the information in case players joined or left, clicking the ABANDON button causes you to leave the game so that you are free to join a different game, or start a COMPUTER game.
You may only join one game at a time.
While you wait, if you have played any games in the past, they are listed under PAST GAMES in the upper right. Click on any past game, then click REVIEW to see details of that past game.


Your name, and the number value of your hand are given at the top of the screen. If it is your turn to play, that is indicated on a background of your game color. If it is another player's turn, that is also indicated on a background of their game color.
You and your fellow players are listed in the upper left of the screen along with the number of cards in their hand. The card to play on appears at the top center of the screen. The cards in your hand appear at the bottom center of the screen. Any WHART cards in your hand list your suit request choices down the right hand side of the WHART card. Click directly on the suit you would like to request.
A "GO TO THE MARKET" button is available at the bottom of the screen below your cards. If you are unable to match number or suit, and have no WHARTS, click on "GO TO THE MARKET" to draw a card.


When the game indicates that is it your turn, take a look at the card to play on at the top center of the screen, and take one of 3 actions.
1. Find a card in your hand (bottom center of the screen) that matches the card to play on either by number or by suit, and click on it.
2. If you have a WHART in your hand, you may indicate your suit request by clicking directly on the suit symbol listed down the right hand side of the WHART card. A WHART can be played on any card regardless of the suit or number.
3. If you cannot match the card to play on with any card in your hand, you will have to click on the "GO TO THE MARKET" button below your hand to draw a card from the deck.
Taking any of these 3 actions completes your turn, and moves the action to the next player in the sequence.


Some cards have special features which allow you to incorporate tactics into the game:
(1: HOLD-ON) Force the next player to lose their turn. Play moves to the next player. In a two player game, this means you would get to play again.
(2: PICK-2) Force the next player to draw two cards - "SHOPPING SPREE". They do not get to play a card, play moves to the next player. In a two player game, this means you would get to play again.
(7: REVERSE) Reverse the order of play. If current order was for the player on the left to play, it switches to the player on the right from now until the order is possibly reversed again. In a two player game, this has no effect.
(14: MARKET) Force the other players to "GO TO THE MARKET" - draw a card from the deck in sequence. It is then again the turn of the player who played the (14).
(20: WHART) Request a specific suit to be played by clicking directly on the suit symbol listed down the right hand side of the WHART card. Next player must play that suit (or a WHART) or draw from the deck. If player draws, subsequent players face the same demand of suit until it is fulfilled, or until another WHART is played on it.


In a two player game where the current player holds {WHART-20, CROSS-2, CROSS-1} with the card to be played on being a CROSS-12, it is actually possible for the current player to win the game. The current player can play the CROSS-1, which means the opponent must 'HOLD ON' and miss their turn, followed by the CROSS-2 forcing the opponent to PICK 2 cards from the deck, and miss their turn again, and finally ending with the WHART-20 which can be played on any card. CHECK-UP! Game OVER!


The game ends when a player plays the final card of their hand. All players are taken to the GAME OVER screen which lists all players and their WHART scores on the left, and a detail of the game on the right. WHART scores can be tallied for carrying them into the next game if a multi-game match is being played. All past games are listed on the initial MUSTER screen for future reference.
Congratulations! Your wins and losses are noted in the game annals, where the mighty can forever look on your WHARTS and despair!

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