"Hey, I know art when I see it.  And this aint art!"
   - The Congressman 


1. I have a vivid imagination.
2. I do not enjoy watching dance performances.
3. I don't understand people who get emotional.
4. I am attached to conventional ways.
5. I avoid difficult reading material.
6. I like to stand during the national anthem.
7. I have difficulty imagining things.
8. I believe in the importance of art.
9. I experience very few emotional highs and lows.
10. I prefer variety to routine.
11. I like to solve complex problems.
12. I believe that we should be tough on crime.
13. I enjoy wild flights of fantasy.
14. I like music.
15. I rarely notice my emotional reactions.
16. I like to visit new places.
17. I loe to read challenging material.
18. I tend to vote for liberal political candidates.
19. I love to daydream.
20. I see beauty in things that others might not notice.
21. I experience my emotions intensely.
22. I am interested in many things.
23. I have a rich vocabulary.
24. I believe that there is no absolute right or wrong.
25. I seldom get lost in thought.
26. I do not like concerts.
27. I am not easily affected by my emotions.
28. I dislike new foods.
29. I am not interested in theoretical discussions.
30. I believe that we coddle criminals too much.
31. I do not have a good imagination.
32. I do not enjoy going to art museums.
33. I seldom get emotional.
34. I am a creature of habit.
35. I can handle a lot of information.
36. I believe that criminals should receive help rather than punishment.
37. I like to get lost in thought.
38. I love flowers.
39. I feel other's emotions.
40. I don't like the idea of change.
41. I have difficulty understanding abstract ideas.
42. I believe laws should be strictly enforced.
43. I seldom daydream.
44. I do not like poetry.
45. I am passionate about causes.
46. I like to begin new things.
47. I avoid philosophical discussions.
48. I believe that too much tax money goes to support artists.
49. I indulge in my fantasies.
50. I enjoy the beauty of nature.
51. I enjoy examining myself and my life.
52. I prefer to stick with things that I know.
53. I enjoy thinking about things.
54. I believe in one true religion.
55. I spend time reflecting on things.
56. I do not like art.
57. I try to understand myself.
58. I dislike changes.
59. I am not interested in abstract ideas.
60. I tend to vote for conservative political candidates.

That completes this portion of the test. You may now scroll down to view your percentiles.

He likes it, he likes it!