"Looking up everybody's pants leg & everybody's
skirt; instead of being up there in a pair of
pants, or in a skirt - if that's what it takes."
   - Ray the Horizon 


1. I keep others at a distance.
2. I seek quiet.
3. I take charge.
4. I am always busy.
5. I love exitement.
6. I seldom joke around.
7. I warm up quickly to others.
8. I talk to a lot of different people at parties.
9. I hold back my opinions.
10. I am always on the go.
11. I dislike loud music.
12. I have a lot of fun.
13. I feel comfortable around people.
14. I enjoy being part of a group.
15. I can talk others into doing things.
16. I do a lot in my spare time.
17. I would never go hang gliding or bungee jumping.
18. I express childlike joy.
19. I act comfortably with others.
20. I involve others in what I am doing.
21. I seek to influence others.
22. I react slowly.
23. I seek adventure.
24. I radiate joy.
25. I make friends easily.
26. I love large parties.
27. I try to lead others.
28. I let things proceed at their own pace.
29. I love action.
30. I am not easily amused.
31. I cheer people up.
32. I avoid crowds.
33. I don't like to draw attention to myself.
34. I can manage many things at the same time.
35. I enjoy being part of a loud crowd.
36. I laugh my way through life.
37. I am hard to get to know.
38. I don't like crowded events.
39. I take control of things.
40. I like a leisurely lifestyle.
41. I enjoy being reckless.
42. I love life.
43. I often feel uncomfortable around others.
44. I love surprise parties.
45. I wait for others to lead the way.
46. I react quickly.
47. I act wild and crazy.
48. I look at the bright side of life.
49. I avoid contacts with others.
50. I prefer to be alone.
51. I keep in the background.
52. I like to take it easy.
53. I am willing to try anything once.
54. I laugh aloud.
55. I am not really interested in others.
56. I want to be left alone.
57. I have little to say.
58. I like to take my time.
59. I seek danger.
60. I amuse my friends.

That completes this portion of the test. You may now scroll down to view your percentiles.

You coulda been a contender.