"I will work harder."
   - Boxer in 'Animal Farm' 


1. I complete tasks successfully.
2. I am not bothered by disorder.
3. I try to follow the rules.
4. I go straight for the goal.
5. I postpone decisions.
6. I often make last minute plans.
7. I excel in what I do.
8. I like order.
9. I keep my promises.
10. I work hard.
11. I get chores done right away.
12. I avoid mistakes.
13. I don't see the consequences of things.
14. I like to tidy up.
15. I pay my bills on time.
16. I turn plans into actions.
17. I have difficulty starting tasks.
18. I act without thinking.
19. I handle tasks smoothly.
20. I want everything to be just right.
21. I tell the truth.
22. I plunge into tasks with all my heart.
23. I am always prepared.
24. I choose my words with care.
25. I have little to contribute.
26. I love order and regularity.
27. I listen to my conscience.
28. I do more than what's expected of me.
29. I need a push to get started.
30. I do crazy things.
31. I don't understand things.
32. I am not bothered by messy people.
33. I misrepresent the facts.
34. I put little time and effort into my work.
35. I waste my time.
36. I rush into things.
37. I am sure of my ground.
38. I leave my belongings around.
39. I break rules.
40. I set high standards for myself and others.
41. I start tasks right away.
42. I stick to my chosen path.
43. I come up with good solutions.
44. I leave a mess in my room.
45. I break my promises.
46. I do just enough work to get by.
47. I find it difficult to get down to work.
48. I jump into things without thinking.
49. I know how to get things done.
50. I do things according to a plan.
51. I get others to do my duties.
52. I demand quality.
53. I get to work at once.
54. I make rash decisions.
55. I misjudge situations.
56. I often forget to put things back in their proper place.
57. I do the opposite of what is asked.
58. I am not highly motivated to succeed.
59. I carry out my plans.
60. I like to act on a whim.

That completes this portion of the test. You may now scroll down to view your percentiles.

Time to roll up them sleeves.