Fleet - Instructions


The aim of Fleet is to use your naval units to accomplish your objective before your opponent's navy can accomplish theirs.
This is a turn based game between 2 or more navies in which each player secretly receives an objective with a matching budget with which to requisition their fleet, deploy it, and alternate between moving naval units and firing upon enemy units with missiles, guns, torpedoes, and aircraft, all while using counter-measures to confound the enemy.
These steps continue for each player in turn until one player is able to complete their objective and win the game.
Fleet encourages you to indulge your propensity to use guile and cunning in the service of humiliating your opponents, so you won't feel the need to indulge it in the real world quite so much!
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At the Login screen, type in your new or existing PLAYER NAME, and hit the LOGIN button.
If you are a new player, or if you do not have any pending games, you will be taken to the LAUNCH GAME or CHOOSE GAME screen.
If you have a pending game, you will be taken to the last game screen you were in.
If you are logged out of the game for any reason, simply log back in. Don't worry, the game remembers your place and will return you your most recent screen.


Once you log in, if you are not in the middle of a game, and if there are no available games to join, you will be taken to the LAUNCH GAME screen.
To Launch a new game, you will need to provide the Map Name, how many players you would like to play the game, how many units will be distributed among all the players, and whether you would like to play against the computer or against human players.
MAP NAME refers to the game map you would like to use.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS is the total number of players (including you) that will participate. If you type in 4, that means you and 3 other players are expected to play.
TOTAL UNITS is the total initial number of units to be divided among all the players. If you type in 20, and your NUMBER OF PLAYERS is 4, then each player gets 5 UNITS to start with.
Click the "HUMAN NEW GAME" button if you want to play against human beings. You will be taken to the AWAIT GAME screen until the full complement of human players has joined your game.
Click the "COMPUTER NEW GAME" button if you want to play against AI players. You will be taken immediately to the MAIN game play screen.
ERRORS: If any of the information you enter is out of range, you will see an error message so you can try again.


When you launch or join a new game with human opponents, you may have to wait for enough opponents to join.
In the AWAIT GAME screen, you will see a list of currently joined players. Click the "IS GAME READY YET?" button periodically to update the list of joined players. Once the full complement of players has joined, clicking "IS GAME READY YET?" will take you to the MAIN game play screen.


Once you log in, if you are not in the middle of a game, and if there are available games to join, you will be taken to the CHOOSE GAME screen. All available games are listed with the following information:
Click on a game that interests you, and then click the "JOIN GAME" button. If you are not the final player to complete the complement, you will be taken to the AWAIT GAME screen, otherwise you will be taken to the MAIN game screen.
In the AWAIT GAME screen, you will see a list of currently joined players. Click the "IS GAME READY YET?" button periodically to update the list of joined players. Once the full complement of players has joined, clicking "IS GAME READY YET?" will take you to the MAIN game play screen.


The game map appears on the left hand side of the screen. Empty unoccupied territories are shown in white. Occupied territories take on the game color of the occupying player.
Your name, number of new units, and immediate instructions are given in the upper right of the MAIN screen on a background of your game color.
Below your name, units and instructions is your command panel. You have a command in the drop down, some parameter fields, and two buttons. The second button - END MY TURN - is always available. You can end your turn at any time, you are not required to complete any specific number of actions before you end your turn.
The first button and the command in the drop down will change based on whatever you are trying to do, so you should not ever need to alter the command in the drop down manually. Clicking on the map will select the appropriate command based on the current phase of the game. Clicking "UPDATE MAP" lets you see how the map is changing based on the actions of the other players as they play their turns.
Below your command panel is a list of all occupied territories, and below that you have a list of player names in turn order, top to bottom.
If it is your turn to play, your name will be preceded by "It's your turn:" Follow the given instructions for your turn.
If it isn't your turn yet, your instructions will say "NOT YOUR TURN: UPDATE MAP EVERY 5 SECONDS". Click the "UPDATE MAP" button until you get the message that it is your turn.
The player who launched the game plays first.
Playing GUNS GROWTH & GREED proceeds in 5 phases:
(1) Initial claims of territory
(2) Placement of new reinforcing units
(3) Attacking and occupying adjecent territories
(4) Transfering units closer to the war front
(5) Ending your turn
Phase One - Initial claims of territory proceeds by turns only at the start of the game. After that, each player's turn consists of phases 2 through 5 until one player wins the game.


On each of your turns during the INITIAL CLAIMS phase, click on an empty territory on the map, then claim it by clicking on the CLAIM TERRITORY BUTTON. Your turn automatically ends. There is no need to click "END MY TURN".
Click the "UPDATE MAP" button until your turn comes around again, then click on another empty territory and claim it. Repeat until there are no more unoccupied territories.
After all territories have been claimed, if you still have new units after your name when your turn comes around, click on any territory that you already occupy to add units to it. Each click adds more units. Notice that the command panel shows the name of the territory, and how many units you are adding. If you click on a different territory, your count begins again from 1. When you are satisfied, click on the "PLACE NEW UNITS" button and your turn automatically ends. Each territory shows a "G" followed by the number of units garrisoned there. For example "G3".
Click the "UPDATE MAP" button until your turn comes around again, then place more units in one of your territories. Do this until until you have no more new units after your name. If you have no more new units, but other players still do, then "END YOUR TURN". Otherwise, keep following the instructions.


When it is your turn and your instructions say "REINFORCEMENTS:" you have entered the NEW REINFORCING UNITS phase of the game. You will get a number of new units after your name depending on how many territories and regions you hold at the start of your turn. You get one credit per territory, plus the regional credits of each region in which you occupy all territories, so strategize accordingly!
Click on any territory that you already occupy to add units to it. Each click adds more units. Notice that the command panel shows the name of the territory, and how many units you are adding. If you click on a different territory, your count begins again from 1. When you are satisfied, click the "PLACE NEW UNITS" button. The number of units in the territory will increase by the number of units added.
Keep placing new units into your territories until you have no more new units after your name. Now your instructions change to ATTACK. To conduct an attack, see the next section. To transfer units, scroll down to that section.
If you neither wish to conduct an attack nor transfer units, click "END MY TURN", then keep clicking the "UPDATE MAP" button until your turn comes around again.


To conduct an attack, identify a territory you occupy which has at least 2 units garrisoned ("G2" or higher). (You must keep a garrison of at least 1 unit ("G1"), so a G4 territory only has 3 units available for attacks.) Next, identify an adjecent enemy territory you wish to attack. Click on your territory, then click on the enemy territory, then click the "ATTACK" button to see the results of the battle. Each battle consist of a maximum of 3 attackers vs a maximum of 2 defenders, and results in a loss of up to 2 units from either or both sides. The odds of winning a battle are maximized by attacking with 3 units against 1 defender.
You can attack as many times as you are able during a turn, moving from one adjecent territory pair to another as you wish. If the enemy has lost all units after a battle, one of your units moves in to occupy the enemy territory, and the territory changes to your game color. If your attacking territory is reduced to 1 unit ("G1"), it cannot conduct any more attacks on that turn.
When you have completed all your attacks, see the next section on transfering units, or click "END MY TURN", then keep clicking the "UPDATE MAP" button until your turn comes around again.


To transfer units, identify a territory you occupy from which you want to transfer some units. (You must keep a garrison of at least 1 unit, ("G1") so a G5 territory only has 4 units available to be transfered.) Next, identify an adjecent territory you occupy which you want to transfer those units into. Click on your FROM territory, then click on your TO territory, then update the number to TRANSFER in your command panel, then click the "TRANSFER UNITS" button to move those units over.
Be careful about when you choose to transfer units, because once you complete a transfer, your turn is automatically ended. Transfering should be the final operation of your turn, usually to move units up to the war front for defense and attack.
After transfering units, there is no need to click "END MY TURN". Keep clicking the "UPDATE MAP" button until your turn comes around again.


At any point during your turn, (or even at the very beginning if you cannot, or do not wish to conduct attack or transfer operations), you may end your turn by clicking the "END MY TURN" button. After that, keep clicking the "UPDATE MAP" button until your turn comes around again.


The game ends for you either when you have occupied all the territories on the map, or when you have no territories left on the map.
If you have no territories remaining, you are welcome to remain and keep clicking the "UPDATE MAP" button to see the progress of the remaining players. If you occupy all the territories of the map, turning the map completely into your game color, you have won the game. End your session by clicking "END MY TURN".
Congratulations! Your win is noted in the game records, and the mighty will forever look on your works and despair!

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